Add or edit a Client and Site

You add your customers, as Clients, to the All Devices view to manage and monitor their devices. For each Client you create one or more sites, and then you add devices to those sites. The All Devices view uses the following hierarchical structure :

  • Client—Customer name or other identifier. One client can have many sites.
    • Site(s)—A group that includes the client's devices. A site can be a physical location, a department, an overall device type, or any other type of group you define. One site can have many devices.
      • Device(s)—Endpoints with the N-sight RMM Agent installed.

Add a Client

  1. In the All Devices view, select File and select Add Client

    The Add Client dialog displays.

  2. Click General

  3. Enter the Client Name and the Client Timezone to use when sending Reports, setting Office Hours, and so on
  4. If you want to add the Client now and edit the other information later, click OK (optional)
  5. Configure the following options in the Add Client dialog (optional):

    You can configure the reports using the Settings > Client Reports option. For more information, see Reports.

    Dashboard AccessThis is a legacy method to set up Client-level All Devices view access that is only available if you have used it in the past. We recommend you use Roles and permissions and Client groups to set up Client N-sight RMMaccess.
    Software License SetupEnter the number of licenses held for Asset Tracking Software License Groups
    Server ReportEnable the Daily, Weekly and Monthly Client Server Reports and configure the send settings
    Workstation ReportEnable the Daily and Weekly Client Workstation Reports and configure the send settings
    Notes ReportEnable the Client Notes Report and configure the send settings
    Executive SummaryEnable Delivery for the Executive Summary Report and configure the send settings
  6. Click OK

    The new Client is added to the Client List.

Add a Site

  1. In the All Devices view Client List, right-click the target Client and select Add Site

    The Add Site dialog displays with the target Client name selected.

  2. Enter a Site Name
  3. Select the default monitoring templates from the Server Default or Workstation Default drop-down menus (only templates available for this device type are displayed). For more information, see Configure default monitoring templates for installation.
  4. Click Data Overdue Cross Check to configure up to two devices to ping when a server at the Site reports as overdue (optional)
  5. Click Save

    The new Site is added to the target Client.

Edit a Client or Site

  1. In the All Devices view Client List, right-click the target Client or Site and select Edit Client or Edit Site
  2. Edit the settings
  3. Click Save