Client-facing Notes Reports

You can send a client all of their Client-facing notes daily, weekly or monthly using the Client-facing Notes Report. The reports include all of the Client-facing notes recorded for the specified client over the selected time-period.

You must Configure the Client-facing Notes Report mail template before Client-facing Notes Reports can be sent.

You can view all the Client-facing and Technical notes in the Notes Report.

To configure Client-facing Notes Reports:

  1. On the All Devices view , select Settings > Client Reports > Notes Report Settings
  2. For the target Client, select the checkbox to enable the report for the client

  3. Enter the Mail to and Cc to email addresses
  4. Select when you want the Report sent to the Client

    Client-facing Notes Reports are only sent if Client-facing notes are added within the Report time-period: last day, week or month respectively. If no Client-facing notes exist for the Report's time-period, the report is not sent, even if there are technical notes for that time period.

  5. Select the Device Type to include in the Notes Report
  6. Click OK to save and apply

    The following is an example of a Client-facing Notes Report:

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