Updated: February 8, 2024

All Devices view

The All Devices view enables you to view maintained devices within N-able N-central. Using the level selector, you can view the devices by Service Organization (SO), Customers, and Sites, and work with multiple devices simultaneously. If you have imported devices, they will be displayed here, showing which Customer and Site they were imported from, depending on the level you are at as follows:

  • At the System Level, the SO, Customer, and Site columns are visible.
  • At the SO level, the Customer and Site columns are visible.
  • At the Customer level, only the Site column is visible.

Devices displayed in the All Devices view are categorized by tab:

  • Network Devices: Routers, laptop and desktop computers.
  • Mobile Devices: smart phones and tablets.
  • SaaS Devices: SaaS resources, such as Office 365.

Global configuration

The power of the All Devices view is that you can see the status of the devices for a Customer or Site with a single glance, and take action on multiple device. The top of the All Devices window includes a number of buttons that are grayed out. Clicking on one or more check boxes next to a device enables the buttons. Using the All Device view enables you to select multiple devices to perform upgrades, apply rules and other functions to save time.

For example, clicking check boxes for two or more devices enables the Edit button. Within the Edit Devices window that appears, enables you to globally set or modify common features or functions across those devices, rather than selecting each device individually.

Global configuration options include:


The Filters area of the All Devices page enable you to find and view devices based on specific criteria. As your network of customers and their device inventory grows, the value of optimized filters becomes increasingly important as you need to access specific devices. Filters provide powerful functionality that enables you create precisely targeted dashboards, tasks, rules, reports, notifications and more.

For more information on filters, see the Filters help topics.

Functions and tools icons




Start Remote Control

Start Remote Control

Click to initiate a remote control session with the managed device.

Known Issue with Connection

The default remote control method is Take Control and there is a known issue with the connection. A Take Control session can still be attempted. Hover over the icon to view how long since a Heartbeat was detected.

Disconnect Remote Control

Disconnect Remote Control

Click to add a second connection to the device or disconnect an existing remote control session.

Remote Control Unavailable

Remote Control Unavailable

Indicates that the selected default remote control method is unavailable.

Tools menu

Provides immediate access to sections of the Tools tab. To use the Tools menu, you need to enable remote control on the device.

User Currently Logged In

A user is signed in and connected to the device (this status is updated every 120 seconds).

Terminal Services User Logged In

A terminal services is signed in and connected to the device.

User Currently Disconnected

A user is not signed in or connected to the device.

User State Unknown

It is not known if a user is currently signed in or connected to the device.

Feature icons overview

Each device has a dedicated section that shows the status of its primary features. For easy identification, active features are represented by blue icons, while inactive ones are displayed in gray. Where there are multiple versions of a feature, for example Patch Management, the icon will represent the installed version.

Icon Feature In Overview Description
Professional Mode Indicates that the device is using a Professional Mode license.
Security Manager Indicates that Security Manager has been deployed on the device.
Security Manager Update Server Indicates that the device has been configured as an update server for Security Manager.
Security Manager (Exchange) Indicates that Security Manager with the Exchange E-mail Protection module has been deployed on the server.
Disk Encryption Manager Indicates that the device has Disk Encryption Manager installed.
Cove Standalone Indicates that Cove Data Protection has been deployed on the device.
Patch Management Indicates that Patch Management has been enabled on the device.
Third Party Patch Management Indicates that the management of third-party software patches has been enabled on the device.
Maintenance Window Indicates that a Maintenance Window has been configured for this device.
Netpath Indicates that a Netpath has been configured for this device.
Device Management for Apple Indicates the different states of Device Management for Apple for this device.
EDR Indicates the different states of EDR for this device.

✓= The feature icon is always displayed.

⟲ = The feature icon is interchangeable, and will display the version of the feature installed (e.g. Patch Management vs. Third Party Patch Management).

If the feature icon is gray, this indicates that the feature has not been enabled/installed for this device or that the device is not compatible with the feature.

Icon Order


Feature icon states

The individual feature icons can show different states (e.g. installed, failed) to indicate the state of the feature on each device. In N-central, hover over each icon to view the feature-specific information.

Icon State Description
Undetermined Indicates that the feature's status on the device cannot be determined.
Pending Indicates that the feature's installation is pending.
Warning Indicates that the feature needs attention. Hover over for specific details.
Installed Indicates that the feature is working correctly.
Failed Indicates that the feature has failed.
Uninstalling Indicates that the feature is uninstalling.

Device classes

N-able N-central includes the following classes:

  • Laptop - Windows
  • Other
  • Printer
  • Scanner/Camera
  • Server - ESXi
  • Server - Generic
  • Server - Management Interface
  • Server - Windows
  • Storage
  • Switch/Router
  • Workstation - Generic
  • Workstation - macOS
  • Workstation - Windows

Mobile Device and SaaS Device are listed as a default option in the Device classes screen of the NAC but existing devices of another class cannot have their class modified to either Mobile Device or SaaS Device.

You can remotely control devices that are classified as Server - Windows, Workstation - Windows or Laptop - Windows.To standardize monitoring of devices, you can apply service templates with pre-configured services to devices. You can apply service templates when you add or edit a device.

Monitoring options by class

Device Class

Monitoring Options

Laptop - Windows

Local Agent, SNMP, EDF Enabled


SNMP Enabled, EDF Enabled


SNMP Enabled, EDF Enabled


SNMP Enabled, EDF Enabled

Server - ESXi SNMP

Server - Generic

Local Agent, SNMP, Backup Exec, EDF Enabled

Server - Windows

Local Agent, SNMP, Backup Exec, EDF Enabled

Storage SNMP

Switch Router

SNMP Enabled, EDF Enabled

Workstation - Generic

Local Agent, SNMP, EDF Enabled

Workstation -macOS Local Agent, SNMP
Workstation - Linux Local Agent, SNMP

Workstation - Windows

Local Agent, SNMP, EDF Enabled