
A rule is a core of automation in N-able N-central. Rules work in conjunction with filters to perform immediate and scheduled tasks.

A rule is like a bucket that collects filtered devices. A filter collects devices based on selected criteria and drops them into the bucket, or rule. The rule defines what tasks are initiated when the devices are filtered. Once the devices belong in that rule, the rule activates and the N-able N-central automation begins.

This enables you to maintain devices automatically by creating rules as maintenance is required. As new devices are discovered or are changed, a filter will catch the additions and activate the rule for patching, updates or other administration that is needed.

Rules are account-based. Product Administrators can edit rules they have created and those of any permission level below them. Service Organization Admins can edit and delete rules they created and any created by their customers. Service Organization Techs can edit and delete rules for customers that they have been granted access. Admins can edit and delete Rules that they created.

There are a number of situations that will trigger a rule:

  • Device import
  • Asset information update provided the filter is attached to at least one of asset info that was changed
  • The first agent install on an existing device
  • Enabling or disabling any features on a device
  • Changing the license mode on the device
  • Updating the rule, nor including changing the rule name)
  • Associating the rule to a new customer, for that customer only
  • Updating any primary property on the device such as the device class, OS, and so on.

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