Status reports

Status reports provide overview information on N-able N-central components. The reports available depend upon whether you have accessed the page from the Service Organization (SO) or Customer or Site (CS) level.

To access the status reports, click ReportsStatus.

If the report category or report type does not appear, the category is not available at that level.

Report NameDescription


AV Defender Status

The report includes threat volume, installation status, version breakdown, devices with a recent scan, and devices with up to date virus definitions. This report can be run at both service organization level or for specific customers, and filtered by Device Name, Device Class, Operating System or any custom filter created in N-able N-central. You can additionally show information about failed installation details, device details and devices without AV Defender installed.


Backup Manager Status

This report shows the history and status of backup jobs performed by Backup Manager, and provides an overview of the Backup Manager licenses that have been deployed to devices. This report can be run at both service organization level or for specific customers, and filtered by Device Name, Device Class, Operating System or any custom filter created in N-able N-central. You can additionally show licensing information.


Configuration Summary

This customer level report displays service configuration information for the devices and services you select. It displays the device configuration, and for each selected service configured on that device, the monitoring endpoint, parameters, and thresholds. Note that this report represents information at the time it is generated. It does not reflect historical data.

We do not recommend running the Configuration Summary report as a scheduled report as it could negatively impact performance.


Executive Summary

Executive Summary report - SO level

At the service organization level, this report shows the number of devices, services, users, probes for each customer. It also breaks down the number of services by operational state. Note that this report represents information at the time it is generated. It does not reflect historical data.

At the customer level, this allows you to generate a single, report showing summary CPU, disk, and memory utilization, and service availability for selected devices, and notifications sent for selected recipients. Each section of this report is annotated - these annotation can be edited as required. Note that the annotations revert to the original text when you leave the Executive Summary page.


Missing patches (Summary)

At the service organization level, this report simply shows how many unpatched devices each customer has, and breaks this number down by patch types.

At the customer level, this report shows how many unpatched devices each customer has, and breaks this number down by patch types. If you choose to include the Details Section, the report will also show details of missing patches with links to the appropriate vendor download page for selected patch types and the length time they have been missing.


Mobile Device Status

This report shows information on the mobile devices enrolled either for all customers at the Service Organization level or the selected customer.


Patch Approval and Installations

This report shows the number of patches by installation status for each approval status for all customers at the service organization level or the selected customer. This report can be filtered by Device Name, Device Class, Operating System or any custom filter created in N-able N-central.

If required, a detailed list of patches associated with these counts can be included.


Patch Installation Status

This report provides information on patches approved or unapproved for the selected period on devices for all of your customers at the service level or the selected customer.

The information in this report can be used for patch assessment, patch rollout planning, or detecting any malfunctioning patches that need to be removed.


Patch Status (Detailed)

This report can be run at Service Organization or individual customer level, and provides information on devices that have missing patches, and the severity of these missing patches. The devices reported on can be filtered by Device Name, Device Class, Operating System or any custom filter created in N-able N-central, and the results filtered by patch classification and status. It includes a summary of the status of patches, failed patch installation attempts, and at the customer level can list patches per devices filtered by the age of the missing patches.


Remote Control Summary

This report provides a detailed list of a service provider's remote access into monitored networks. By tracking remote access details, it documents the service provider's activity based on multiple filtering options such as session type, customer, or technician.


Warranty Expiry

This report can be run at the Service Organization level or for an individual customer, and shows how many devices have a valid warranty and how many have an expired warranty. This report also lists devices under warranty, giving their expiry date, serial number and other information.

Warranty expiry can only be monitored on devices manufactured by Acer, Dell, Gateway, Lenovo or Toshiba.