User Management

When you start using N-sight RMM, you are given an Agent Key to sign into the system with full access. When you are signed in with the Agent Key, you have full access to the system including the permissions to add clients and sites, install agents, and manage users.

We recommend you create a user for all individuals who use N-sight RMM using role-based access control.

Role-based access control

N-sight RMM uses role-based access control, which enables you to create users, client groups, and roles with specific permissions to manage who has access to resources, what they can do with them, and the areas they can access.

When you add users to your N-sight RMM, we recommend you use the following order of tasks:

  1. Create Client groups — Client groups define which client's information is accessible to users assigned to that group. You can assign a client to one or more client groups. You assign each user to one client group.
  2. Create Roles and permissions — Roles determine what users have permission to do in N-sight RMM. You can assign users to default system roles, or you can create you own roles and assign users to them.
  3. Add staff users and client users, and assign them to client groups and roles.

The following chart summarizes the user types, their default system roles and their intended use.

User type Description Default system role Intended use
Staff Intended for your employees, who administer, manage, or monitor N-sight RMM. Superuser Full access to all N-sight RMM, except Product Keys and Subscription Management.
Administrator Access to most features except Product Keys, user management, billing information, Subscription Management, and Network Discovery settings.

General day-to-day feature user, without the ability to set feature policies or roll out feature access.

Client Intended to allow your customers their own version of N-sight RMM with only their sites and devices and ensuring full confidentiality of the other Clients data. Client Basic N-sight RMM access to a specific client. Additional management and view options available.

To create a Client user, you create a Client Group with only that one client added to it, and then assign the user to the default Client system role or to a new role you created based on the Client system role.

You can add and manage as many N-sight RMM users as you need for staff members and for Clients. When you add a new user, they are sent a verification email with a link to set their password. Users can manage their own user details, email (username), and password without administrative assistance.

Actions performed by an N-sight RMM user, or any Notes they create, are recorded in the User Audit Report. For example clearing Checks, adding Checks or features, and logging into N-sight RMM are recorded in the report.

Although you can change the Agent Key username and password, Agent Key is not a default system role you can assign. As an extra security precaution, you can disable Agent Key user access to force all users to login to N-sight RMM with their own user account.