Disable or enable Agent Key user access

As a security measure, you can disable or enable Agent Key user access at the bottom of the Users dialog. When it is disabled, the Staff access is limited to Superuser, Administrator, Standard level (including Classic) or where the user has a custom role, although the Agent Key can still be used for Agent installations.

  1. Sign in to N-sight RMM with an account with Users permissions enabled (for example SuperUser).
  2. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Users > User Accounts.
  3. To disable, clear the checkbox for Enable Agent Key user Dashboard access. To enable, select the checkbox for Enable Agent Key user Dashboard access.

    If you disable Enable Agent Key user Dashboard access, ensure there is login setup with Users permissions enabled (for example a Superuser level or custom role with Users enabled) so access to the Users dialog is maintained.

    Disabling the Agent Key access to the N-sight RMM user interface does not affect Agent uploads.

  4. Save and enter the password you used to sign into N-sight RMM to confirm.