Edit your user details, email and password

You can manage your own user details, email (username), and password without administrative assistance.

Edit your details

  1. On the N-sight RMM Product bar, click the user account icon
  2. Click Edit Details
  3. Enter your N-sight RMM user password
  4. Edit First name and/or Last name
  5. Click Save Details
  6. Click Continue to confirm your changes

Change your email (username)

  1. On the N-sight RMM Product bar, click the user account icon
  2. Click Change email
  3. Enter your N-sight RMM user password
  4. Enter your New email address
  5. Re-enter to Confirm email address
  6. Click Change my email

    Changing your email address logs you out of your account until you verify your new email address.

  7. When you receive the email to verify your new email address, confirm the address

Change your password

You can also change your password using the Forgot password link on the N-sight RMM Dashboard login screen.

  1. On the N-sight RMM Product bar, click the user account icon
  2. Click Change password
  3. Enter your N-sight RMM user password in Old password
  4. Enter a New password

    The password must be in the following format:

    • At least 8 characters in length
    • Contain no blank space characters
    • Have at least one uppercase, one lowercase and one numeric character
    • May contain special characters
  5. Re-enter to Confirm new password
  6. Click Change password
  7. Click Continue to go back to the N-sight RMM Dashboard