Client groups

New clients are automatically added to the All Clients Group.

Use client groups to limit how much N-sight RMM information is displayed to certain users. When you create a client group, you add one or more clients to the group and then assign the client group to users who require access and visibility of those clients in N-sight RMM.

For example, if you want a staff member in your business to have access to only their assigned clients, you create a client group with their clients and then assign that client group to the staff member user account. Using a client group in this situation provides a more focused All Devices view for the user, and secures confidentially for your other clients because only staff members who need to see an account have access to it through their assigned client group.

Multi-device changes made by a user, such as enabling a feature, only affect the clients who are in their client group, rather than all clients.

Client groups also enable you to grant limited N-sight RMM access to an individual client. When you create a client group with only that one client added to it and assign it to the client user, the client can sign in to N-sight RMM and only see their information.

There is no limit on the number of clients you can add to a group, and you can add one client to many client groups.

The API Key is associated with the Agent Key user, permissions and assigned Client Groups. If the Agent Key user has been assigned to a Client Group that contains either no Clients or a subset of Clients, API calls made using the generated API Key can only return data associated with the Clients in the assigned Client Group.

Where security requires that the Agent Key user access to Client information within N-sight RMM must be restricted, we recommend that the Agent Key Access is revoked.

Asset Tracking and Reports, except the User Audit report, are client group aware. This means users only see assets and reports specific to their assigned Clients. For example, when a user selects All Clients from a report drop-down, only reports for their client group are returned.

Since the Client Group drop-down is accessible to Superuser level logins, Agent Key (if Dashboard access is enabled), or a roles with the required Users permissions configured, those users can change the Client Group associated with their own account.

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