
The pages in this section include instructions to setup and manage each of the checks in N-sight RMM.

After the Agent installs on a device, the device displays on the All Devices view and the Device Inventory, and you can add 24x7 Checks and Daily Safety Checks for monitoring. Feature checks are also added to devices when features are enabled.

For the generic steps to manage checks, see add, edit, or delete checks.

24x7 Checks

  • 24x7 Checks run periodically through the day.
  • You can configure the frequency when 24x7 Checks run.
  • 24x7 Checks run on servers and workstations.
  • For more information and 24x7 Check setup instructions see: Windows, Mac, Linux.

Daily Safety Checks

  • A Daily Safety Check runs once daily. You can configure the hour the Daily Safety Check runs or use the default times of 06:00 for servers and 10:00 for workstations. These default times allow workstations to update their antivirus definition files and perform other tasks before running the checks.
  • Daily Safety Checks run based on the local time of the device.
  • We recommend you run Daily Safety Checks before reports are scheduled so you will have a full picture of all data and avoid error messages.
  • To avoid false positives, we recommend you run Daily Safety Checks after any automated tasks are complete.
  • For more information and Daily Safety Check setup instructions, see: Windows, Mac, Linux.

For information about how our customers use groups of checks, see Monitoring toolset examples.

Feature checks

Feature checks are automatically added to monitor the state of specific features. Feature checks are only added or removed when the feature is turned on or off. For example, when Patch Management is added to a device, the Patch Status Check is automatically added.

Since Feature checks are automatically added when you enable the feature, they are excluded from any method to add checks to multiple devices (including Monitoring Templates) to avoid accidental duplication or monitoring of a non-installed product.

If you need to add another instance of a specific check for a product (in addition to the associated check), you must Add checks per-device.

Since Feature checks are added with the feature, they are added to the device regardless of monitoring template configuration.

In addition to the check failure condition, a check also fails if the targeted component is not present on the device. For example, running a Backup Check for Veeam, when the device is running Cove Data Protection (Cove).