Managed Antivirus Information

All Devices view North-pane

Where configured from the Columns drop-down, the All Devices view North-pane contains a visual indicator of the Managed Antivirus installation state in the bd_shield Bitdefender column and the encryption state in the Disk Encryption Manager column. The device list can be re-ordered by clicking the column icons as well.

All Devices view South-pane: Summary tab

For individual devices, the Summary tab reports the Managed Antivirus installation status, along with the Disk Encryption Manager status under Agent Supported Features.

All Devices view South-pane: Checks tab

For individual devices, the Checks tab reports on Managed Antivirus, 2 checks are added automatically when Managed Antivirus is installed on a device:

  • Managed Antivirus Check (Bitdefender) - checks that scheduled scans have run and can be set to alert in the event of quarantined items
  • Managed Antivirus Update Check (Bitdefender) - checks that threat definition updates have taken place

Windows devices also have 6 automatically added Windows Service Checks to monitor each of the Managed Antivirus service processes:

  • Windows Service Check - Managed Antivirus Endpoint Integration Service
  • Windows Service Check - Managed Antivirus Endpoint Master Service
  • Windows Service Check - Managed Antivirus Endpoint Protected Service
  • Windows Service Check - Managed Antivirus Endpoint Redline Service
  • Windows Service Check - Managed Antivirus Endpoint Security Service
  • Windows Service Check - Managed Antivirus Endpoint Update Service

For full details on each check, please see: Managed Antivirus Checks


The Managed Antivirus deployment status is contained in both:

For details on all Managed Antivirus and Disk Encryption Manager reports, please see: Managed Antivirus Reports

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