MAV-BD Protection Report

VIPRE has been retired from N-able N-sight RMM.

We recommend, where possible, to migrate your VIPRE Protection Policies to Bitdefender Engine Protection Policies, and re-deploy MAV-BD Bitdefender in place of any current MAV-BD Vipre Engine deployments.

The MAV-BD Protection Report provides a list of antivirus protection currently in place across the Client base with the ability to filter these results by Product, Client, Site and Devices.

Report Generation

To generate the MAV-BD Protection Report:

  1. On the All Devices view, select Reports > Managed Antivirus Reports > Antivirus Protection Report.
  2. The MAV-BD Protection Report opens in a new tab- use the filters to choose the target selections:
  3. Filter Description


    Choose one of the antivirus products currently in use in N-sight RMM.


    Select the Client from the drop-down list or choose All Clients.


    Where a specific Client is selected choose All Sites or a specific site.


    Choose the target Device Type from the drop-down:

    • All Devices
    • All Servers
    • All Workstations

    Opt to include devices where no antivirus product is being monitored if desired.

  4. Click Generate to view the HTML report.
  5. Or click CSV Export to download the CSV version and choose the export option: Download now or Run in background.

CSV Report Export Options

The CSV Report saves all the filtered information (including any hidden columns) as a CSV file in the format DATE_GENERATED-REPORTNAME.csv

As this may contain a large amount of information, we have included two export options:

  • Download Now: The download runs in real-time.
    • Depending on the Report size it may take several minutes to complete and you will have to wait until the Report has downloaded before you can continue using N-sight RMM.
  • Run in Background: The Report is generated in the background and an email is sent to your username (email address) with a download link once it is ready.
    • Depending on the Report size it may take several minutes to complete and you can continue work on N-sight RMM while the Report is created.

Report Layout

The returned Report contains the following Columns:

Type Client Site Device
Description Monitored AV Product Definition Version Reboot
Disk Encryption Manager Policy Items in Quarantine Last Quick Scan
Last Deep Scan Active Protection

Totals for appropriate columns are displayed at the bottom of the Report. Please be aware that depending on the column type duplicate values are not reported, for example the Monitored AV Product total only records an installed product once, it does not count every discovered instance of the product.

The Columns drop-down is used to refine the information displayed in the MAV-BD Protection Report, including the selection of columns not enabled by default, and provides a more targeted view.  After clicking Columns enable or disable the tick-box against the required column options. The Columns button also indicates the total number of columns available and the number selected.

Report Export Options

Two export options are available for the MAV-BD Protection Report and selectable above the North-pane once the report is generated.

  • CSV Export: saves all of the filtered information (including any hidden columns) as a CSV file in the format DATE_GENERATED-MavProtectionReport.csv (for example 2015-08-10-MavProtectionReport.csv)
  • Print:prints the current report as viewed (excludes any hidden columns). The print options available will depend on the configuration of the device the Report is viewed on.

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