Inactive devices

As long as a device displays on the All Devices view and has monitoring and features enabled for it, it is monitored by N-sight RMM regardless of whether the device uploads data to the All Devices view.

To avoid N-sight RMM reporting on devices that are on the All Devices view but no longer in use, we recommend you delete those inactive devices from the All Devices view.

To avoid invoices for devices that are no longer in use, we recommend you delete inactive devices.

When you delete a device from the All Devices view, the Monitoring Agent is automatically deleted from the device.

Deleting a device from the All Devices view and Windows Agent uninstalls are non-recoverable actions. When you confirm a deletion, all information stored in relation to the client, site or device(s) is instantly removed from the database and the data is unretrievable.

Ensure that you verify the correct item is selected for removal before you enter the password and confirm the deletion.

Agents installed in or converted to Asset Tracking only (no checks or features) are not regarded as monitored.

Delete inactive devices from the All Devices view

To remove a device, you must be logged in using an account with the General Settings (Devices) permissions enabled. Otherwise the delete option is unavailable.

  1. In the All Devices view North-pane, go to the Servers, Workstations or Mixed tab.
  2. Select Last Response Over 30 Days from the device filter drop-down above the North-pane.
  3. Sort by the Last Response column to easily see which devices have not recently checked in.
  4. Multi-select the devices for removal (Shift and left-click for a range, Control and left-click for specific devices).
  5. Right-click one of the selected devices.
  6. Select Delete <device_type > or Delete <device-type> > Delete from Dashboard.
  7. If you are deleting Apple devices that are enrolled in N-sight RMM, select the Unenroll all selected devices from DMA checkbox to confirm you want to unenroll those devices.
  8. Enter the password you used to sign into N-sight RMM to confirm deletion.
  9. Select OK to apply.

Download a CSV of the custom filtered North-pane

You can export the North-pane device details to CSV when viewing a custom or "Last Response Over 30 Days" filter. The download option is grayed out for all other default system device views.

  1. Select the custom view from the Device filter drop-down above the North-pane on the All Devices view.
  2. When the view is loaded, click the download button to the right of the Device filter drop-down.
  3. This initiates a download of a CSV file containing the filtered devices and their column details (regardless of the columns selected in the All Devices view).

Agent Management options

In addition to the delete option, you can opt to remove a workstation when the Agent is reinstalled as well as configure the number of days of inactivity before a workstation is automatically deleted (minimum 60). Please be aware that workstations continue to be chargeable during this period of inactivity.

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > General Settings > Agent Management
  2. In the Agent Reinstallation section, you can opt to enable Automatically delete workstations from Dashboard if Agent is reinstalled
  3. In the Inactive Workstations section, you can enable Automatically delete workstations from Dashboard if Agent is not uploading data and configure the thresholds
  4. Select OK to save and apply

Agent Removal Alert

The Agent Management section also includes the option to generate an Agent Removal Alert when a non-All Devices view action is used to remove an Agent from the computer. For example, a computer users uninstalls the Agent through Add/Remove Programs. Enter the recipient email addresses in the Agent Removal Alert section then click OK to enable.

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