Agent Management

We have included a range of options to simplify the management of workstations and available when logged into N-sight RMM using an account with General Settings (Devices) permissions enabled.

Rename Workstation

By default, the workstation's hostname is used for identification in N-sight RMM and in Reports. When the hostname changes (for example a laptop has a new owner) it is automatically updated in N-sight RMM.

As this may not always be appropriate, you can remove this N-sight RMM name and hostname association on a device-by-device basis.

  1. On the All Devices view North-pane, right-click the workstation and select Edit Workstation.
  2. In the General Settings, clear the checkbox for Sync name with device
  3. Edit the Workstation Name
  4. Select OK to save and apply.

Inactive Workstations

There may be times when although a device is no longer in use, it remains on the All Devices view (we do not automatically remove devices regardless of when they last reported in). This may be caused by a communication problem at the time of removal, and the uninstall was not communicated N-sight RMM, or it was not possible or practical to remove the Agent. For example, the device suffered a catastrophic failure, it was decommissioned, stolen or the Agent is installed in a visualized environment and the machine reimaged, similarly where the device was rebuilt and renamed.

To manage these devices, you can use the Delete Workstation option or the option to remove inactive workstations if they have not reported back to the N-sight RMM in X days. Depending on the Operating System and Agent version, either removal action can trigger the Agent uninstall.

Inactive workstations operates on a timer that starts when the feature is first enabled, the time prior to enabling the feature is not included in this calculation.

Where you are aware of existing inactive workstations before enabling this feature and do not wish to wait until the entered threshold is reached. We would suggest manual removal.

  1. On the All Devices view, go to SettingsGeneral SettingsAgent ManagementInactive Workstations.
  2. Select the checkbox for Automatically delete workstations from Dashboard if Agent is not uploading data.
  3. Configure as required:
    • Delete workstation from Dashboard (All Devices view) if no data received for x days (minimum 60 days).
    • Email me at least y days before deletion of workstation from Dashboard (All Devices view) (minimum 5 days)
    • Sends a workstation removal notification to your N-sight RMM Main Contact email address on Friday mornings.

      To change this email address, contact your account manager.

  4. Select OK to save and apply.

Agent Reinstallation

Only one instance of a device name (server or workstation) is supported for a Client and specific Site combination. As such the Agent registration fails if you attempt to install a Device with the same name as one that already exists under the selected Client and Site. For example if Workstation01 already exists under Client1, Site1 you cannot add another workstation called Workstation01 to Client1, Site1.

To resolve this issue for workstations, the Agent Reinstallation option automatically deletes the existing workstation entry on the All Devices view when an Agent with the same name (assigned against the same Client and Site) is registered, i.e. reinstalled.

  1. On the All Devices view, go to Settings > General Settings > Agent Management > Agent Reinstallation.
  2. Select the checkbox for Automatically delete workstations from Dashboard if Agent is reinstalled.
  3. Select OK to save and apply.