Uninstall the Mac Agent
If you no longer require N-sight RMM for a Mac device, you can remove it from the All Devices view and the Mac Agent automatically uninstalls from the device. If needed, you can also manually remove the Mac Agent from a device.
When you delete a device from the All Devices view and the Agent uninstalls from the device, it is a non-recoverable action. When you confirm a deletion, all information stored in relation to the Client, Site or Device(s) is instantly removed from the database and the data is unretrievable.
Ensure that you verify the correct item is selected for removal before you enter the password and confirm deletion.
When the Mac Agent is uninstalled from a device, Device Management for Apple is not automatically unenrolled unless you select that option when you Automatically uninstall the Agent or until you remove the MDM enrollment profile from the device. For more information, see Remove an enrollment profile manually.
The User Audit Report records information for device deletions including the Date/Time of removal, the Client, Site and Device details, the username, and the action. For example: Agent Uninstalled Manually from Device.
Use the Configure alerts for Agent removal to receive a notification when an Agent is removed not using the All Devices view. For example, a manual uninstall.
Automatic Mac Agent uninstall
When you delete a device from the All Devices view, the Mac Agent is automatically uninstalled.
You can only delete a device from the All Devices view if you are logged in using an account with General Settings (Devices) permissions enabled.
To automatically uninstall the Mac Agent, delete the device from the All Devices view:
- In the All Devices view North-pane, right-click the device or devices you want to delete. To select multiple devices, use Shift and left-click for a range or Control and left-click for specific devices.
- Select Delete <device type> or Delete <device type> > Delete from Dashboard.
- Review the summary of your request to verify the number of devices to delete.
- If you are deleting Apple devices that are enrolled in N-sight RMM, select the Unenroll all selected devices from DMA checkbox to confirm you want to unenroll those devices.
- Enter the password you used to sign into N-sight RMM to confirm deletion.
- Select OK to apply.
Depending on the Agent cycle, the Agent removal process may take over an hour to complete.
Although we run the uninstallers for the Agent and any installed features, there may be instances where some files and folders associated with the features are not removed from the device.
Manually uninstall the Mac Agent
When you manually uninstall the Mac Agent, the uninstall is communicated back to N-sight RMM and the device is removed from the All Devices view(if is was not already removed).
There are two options to manually remove the Mac Agent from the computer:
- Rerun the Agent Installer and select Uninstall.
- Run the uninstall.tool in Terminal (Command Line).
Agent Installer
- Go to the Downloads folder (available in the Finder sidebar or the Dock).
If the Agent installation package is deleted from the computer, you can download another installation package using Agent > Download Agent on the All Devices view.
- Double-click the Agent disk image file (For example: OSX_AGENT_3_8_0.DMG).
- Select Uninstall.
- Review the warning information and proceed.
- Enter the Password for the computer user when prompted.
- Select OK to begin the uninstall process.
Terminal (Command Line)
- Click Finder > Go > Utilities.
- Double-click Terminal.
- Navigate to the Mac Agent installation directory.
- Run the uninstall.tool either as root or by assuming root privileges by sudo, providing the computer's password when prompted.
$ sudo ./uninstall.tool
Service rmmagentd not running
Advanced Monitoring Agent removed
$ cd /usr/local/rmmagent/
Although macOS supports the removal of apps using Trash or Launchpad, we do not recommend using these methods as they do not fully uninstall the Agent, and associated features, from the computer.
What do you want to do?
- Review Device Management for Apple information