View users and user details

View the users list

  1. On the left navigation, select Identity > Users.
  2. If not already selected, use the global customer selector - Customers drop-down menu to select the customers you want to view data for.

    If the user list is empty or you can't find a specific user, refresh the page to show the most recent data.

    The users list displays. You can filter and search the data, choose the columns you want to display, and export to Microsoft Excel. See Navigation and tools for table options.

View user details

  1. On the left navigation, select Identity > Users.
  2. If not already selected, use the global customer selector - Customers drop-down menu to select the customers from where you want to select users.

    If the user list is empty or you can't find a specific user, refresh the page to show the most recent data.

  3. Filter or search to find the user you need, then select the user's name view the details.

  4. Choose a tab to view the related details:

  5. Tab Description
    Summary View user identity, job, and contact information.

    You can edit the user, reset password, revoke sessions, reset multi-factor authentication, and delete the user from this tab.

    Groups View all the groups that the user is assigned to.

    You can add the user to groups, and remove the user from groups from this tab. See Add users to groups and Remove users from groups.

    Roles View all the Platform roles and Microsoft Entra Roles assigned to the user individually. This list does not include roles that the user inherits as part of a group.

    You can add new role assignments and remove group assignments from this tab. See Assign platform roles and Remove platform role assignments.

    Licenses View all the licenses assigned to the user.

    You can assign new licenses, unassign licenses, and configure services for the user from this tab. See Product licenses.

    Automate You can manage user actions from this tab.
    Command logs View logs for actions that have been executed for the user from the User list or the user details Summary tab including the following actions: Edit user, Reset password, Revoke sessions, and Delete user.
    Authentication methods View authentication methods for the user.

    You can revoke user sessions and reset authentications from this tab. See Revoke user sessions from User section and Reset all multi-factor authentications for user.

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Updated: Jul 09, 2024