Exchange Online: Manage mailboxes

Microsoft Exchange Online is a cloud-based messaging platform for email, calendar, contacts, and tasks. Users connect to Exchange Online to access email and collaboration functionality, including shared mailboxes, shared calendars, and global address lists.

Cloud Commander enables you to manage user and shared Exchange Online mailboxes for all your managed customers using the following tasks.


Exchange Online in Cloud Commander is not supported for your MSP partner tenant.

Requirements for Exchange Online in Cloud Commander

  • You must have Microsoft Exchange Online PowerShell access for the customer tenant. The customer tenant status must be one of the following:
    • Approved
    • Issues found but without Microsoft Exchange Online PowerShell listed as a review limitation. For information about how to see your customer tenant status and how to review limitations, see Status descriptions.
  • You must be assigned the Microsoft Exchange Online Reader/Writer role scoped to the customers you want to view/manage.

For more information about managing Exchange Online mailboxes, see the Microsoft Exchange Online documentation.

Updated: Jul 31, 2024