Manually remove all checks and tasks from a device

Where the Asset Tracking Only templates for existing devices cannot be applied to the device, for example the device is offline or overdue, you can manually remove all checks and tasks.

This option immediately removes the device's checks and tasks from the All Devices view and sends the deletion command to the Agent the next time it checks in.

Check and task deletion is a non-recoverable action which removes both checks and tasks, along with their history and technical and Client-facing notes, from the All Devices view and Agent.

Check Removal

  1. In the All Devices view North-pane, select the device
  2. On the South-pane, go to the Checks tab
  3. Use the range multi-select (Shift and left-click) to highlight all Checks
  4. Right-click on one of the selection (or from the Checks drop-down)
  5. Click Delete Checks
  6. Review the information is on any non-removable feature Checks along with the Checks that are scheduled for removal
  7. Enter the password you used to sign into N-sight RMM to authorize the action

Task Removal

  1. In the All Devices view North-pane, select the device
  2. On the South-pane, go to the Tasks tab
  3. Use the range multi-select (Shift and left-click) to highlight all Tasks
  4. Right-click on one of the selection (or from the Tasks drop-down)
  5. Click Delete Automated Tasks
  6. Review the information is on any non-removable feature Checks along with the Checks that are scheduled for removal
  7. Enter the password you used to sign into N-sight RMM to authorize the action

24x7 Check Frequency

In addition to the removal of the Checks and Tasks, the 24x7 Check frequency determines whether the device is recorded as Asset Tracking only. Asset Tracking only applies when the frequency is set to 30 minutes or longer for servers, or 60 minutes or longer for workstations.

For example, if the 24x7 Check frequency on a workstation is set to 30 minutes rather than 60 minutes the device is still classed as monitored.

To review and/or change the device's 24x7 Check frequency setting:

  1. In the All Devices view, right-click on the device in the North-pane
  2. Choose Edit Server or Edit Workstation
  3. Go to General Settings
  4. Under Check frequency, change the 24x7 Frequency to:
    • Server: Every 30 minutes (or slower, for example Every 120 minutes)
    • Workstation: Every 60 minutes (or slower, for example Every 120 minutes)
  5. Click OK to exit and save

Feature Checks

Feature checks are automatically added to monitor the state of specific features. Feature checks are only added or removed when the feature is turned on or off. For example, when Patch Management is added to a device, the Patch Status Check is automatically added.

Since Feature checks are automatically added when you enable the feature, they are excluded from any method to add checks to multiple devices (including Monitoring Templates) to avoid accidental duplication or monitoring of a non-installed product.

If you need to add another instance of a specific check for a product (in addition to the associated check), you must Add checks per-device.

Since Feature checks are added with the feature, they are added to the device regardless of monitoring template configuration.

Template changes are not applied to offline computers. The computer must report back to the All Devices view, retrieve and then apply the template before checks or tasks are removed.

Requirements for Asset Tracking Only

The following checks, tasks, features and settings must be turned off, or configured as specified, to classify a device as Asset Tracking Only and not fully managed:

  • No monitoring checks – all monitoring checks must be removed. Monitoring checks include all checks that are not automatically added when a feature is turned on.
  • No automated tasks – all automated tasks must be removed

    Feature checks and automated tasks automatically added with a feature are exempt and can exist on Asset Tracking Only devices. Feature checks are easy to find on a device because you cannot delete them from the All Devices view. The only way to remove a feature check is to turn off the feature.

  • The 24x7 check frequency must be set as follows:
    • 30 minutes or slower for servers
    • 60 minutes or slower for workstations
  • Patch Management must be uninstalled
  • Take Control must be uninstalled
  • Remote Background Management must be uninstalled

    If a device with Patch Management, Take Control, or Remote Background Manager enabled but then turned off, the device incurs a monitoring fee until the feature is removed and updated within the All Devices view. For example, if a feature is turned off and the device is Offline, the device is charged until the removal is completed and reported back to the All Devices view.

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