Turn Off Default Features

Where Patch Management for Windows, Take Control or Remote Background Manager are enabled on a Device it cannot be classed as Asset Tracking Only. These features are turned off from the All Devices view.

Multiple Devices

Patch Management

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Patch Management for Windows > Settings
  2. Select the "Entity" in the left tree (all Servers or Workstations down to individual Clients and Sites)
  3. Change "Setting" to Off
  4. Click OK to save and apply

Take Control

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Take Control > Settings
  2. Select the "Entity" in the left tree (all Servers or Workstations down to individual Clients and Sites)
  3. Change "Setting" to Off
  4. Click OK to save and apply

Remote Background Manager

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > Remote Background Settings
  2. Select the "Entity" in the left tree (all Servers or Workstations down to individual Clients and Sites)
  3. Change "Setting" to Off
  4. Click OK to save and apply

Individual Device

  1. In the All Devices view, right-click on the device in the North-pane (or from the Edit drop-down)
  2. Select Edit Server or Edit Workstation
  3. Go to Patch Management
  4. Choose Off from the "Settings" drop-down, or Use Parent where the device's parent setting is Off
  5. Go to Remote Access
  6. In "Take Control Settings" select Off from the "Settings" drop-down, or Use Parent where the device's parent setting is Off
  7. Go to Remote Background
  8. Choose Off from the "Settings" drop-down, or Use Parent where the device's parent setting is Off
  9. Click OK to exit and save changes

If a device with Patch Management, Remote Background Manager or Take Control enabled is turned off, it will incur a monitoring fee until removed and updated using the All Devices view. For example, if a feature is turned off and the device is Offline, the device will be charged until the removal process is completed and reported back to the N-sight RMM user interface.

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