Single Sign-On

When you sign in to N-sight RMM, you enter your Territory URL and you are redirected to the Single Sign-On login page at for authentication.

With Single Sign-On you only need to sign in once to access multiple applications. After signing in, you can use the Product Bar to easily switch between our supported products and whenever you choose an application you are automatically signed in.

Single Sign-On (SSO) is a convenient way for you to use one set of login credentials to access our SSO products, including Take Control, MSP Manager, and Cove Data Protection (Cove).

Any changes to your SSO credentials, including username and password updates, apply to all of our SSO supporting products and N-ableMe.

Single Sign-On has the following benefits:

  • Provides the user with full control over their login
  • Makes logging into multiple products and N-ableMe easier
  • Improves security — login credentials are only entered once in the Single Sign-On service, which leads to reduced exposure of login credentials
  • Makes it easier to apply the company’s login policy as there is only one login to manage
  • Simplifies switching between products through the Product Bar
  • Increases productivity as users spend less time attempting to login
  • Helps reduce the administrative burden of dealing with lost credential requests
  • Encourages the use of more complex passwords as there is only one login to remember

Single Sign-on utilizes the leading industry standard for cross-platform authentication with all login requests passed through HTTPS using this protocol.

User Management

Users control all aspects of their authentication, from creating their initial password, managing their credentials going forward and controlling their Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) settings.

The N-sight RMM administrator can ensure the company requirements are followed. Administrators create new users, assign Client Groups and roles, request users change their password, and remove no longer required logins.

For more information, see User Management.

There may be a slight delay when amending credentials, including the use of the Forgot Password link, whilst these settings synchronize.

Single Sign-On honors the user's Security settings (including Session Timeout, Two Factor Authentication and IP Address Restriction) from the General section, also available under the Settings menu and General Settings.

N-sight RMM login

To open N-sight RMM, go to your Territory URL. You are redirected to the Single Sign-On service’s universal login page at where the user authentication takes place.

After successfully entering your credentials you are then directed back to your originally entered URL and N-sight RMM displays.

When you access N-sight RMM via the main website login page, you may be prompted to only enter your username; with this used to determine your N-sight RMM territory. When your territory is established, you are directed to the Single Sign-On service’s universal login page with the username already populated from the first step.

Clarification: All users should continue to use their existing URLs, they are only re-directed to during the authentication process and once this is complete, returned to their original URL.

Important: Access

As N-sight RMM login attempts are redirected to the Single Sign-On service for authentication, please ensure that all N-sight RMM users (both Staff and Client) can reach

Although you cannot use to access the N-sight RMM directly, when visiting this URL one of the following images display.

If neither display, it may be necessary to add to the allowed list on any Firewall or Web/URL content filtering to ensure users can maintain N-sight RMM access.

sso2_not_signed sso2_signed

For a list of URLs used to access N-sight RMM, see N-sight RMM (dashboard) URLs.

Exit out of a Single Sign-On Session

To manually exit out of an active Single Sign-On session, and log out of all products, click the username drop-down in the Product Bar and select Log out.

You are automatically logged out of a session when the Session Timeout period (configured in Settings > General Settings > Security) is exceeded.