Configure IP Address Restrictions

To configure the IP Address Restrictions, log in to N-sight RMM using an account with General permissions:

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > General Settings > Security
  2. In the IP Address Restriction section, select Auto-detect new IP addresses during login and approve with email verification or Restrict Dashboard access by IP address

  3. If you selected Restrict Dashboard access by IP address, Approve IP Addresses
  4. If you want users able to use Take Control and Remote Background Management without needing to log in with 2FA, select Allow use of remote access features with IP address verification
  5. Click OK to save and apply

Approve IP Addresses

Ensure you add your current IP address so you can log in to the All Devices view.

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > General Settings > Security
  2. Click Add to insert an Approved IP Address
  3. Enter the IP Address and select the Subnet Mask
  4. Click Add to apply
  5. Repeat as necessary to allow multiple IP addresses
  6. Click OK to save and apply

Delete an Approved IP Address

  1. In the All Devices view, go to Settings > General Settings > Security
  2. Highlight the target IP address in the Approved IP Addresses list
  3. Select Remove
  4. Click OK to save and apply