Configure IP Address Restrictions
To configure the IP Address Restrictions, log in to N-sight RMM using an account with General permissions:
- In the All Devices view, go to Settings > General Settings > Security
- In the IP Address Restriction section, select Auto-detect new IP addresses during login and approve with email verification or Restrict Dashboard access by IP address
- If you selected Restrict Dashboard access by IP address, Approve IP Addresses
- If you want users able to use Take Control and Remote Background Management without needing to log in with 2FA, select Allow use of remote access features with IP address verification
- Click OK to save and apply
Approve IP Addresses
Ensure you add your current IP address so you can log in to the All Devices view.
- In the All Devices view, go to Settings > General Settings > Security
- Click Add to insert an Approved IP Address
- Enter the IP Address and select the Subnet Mask
- Click Add to apply
- Repeat as necessary to allow multiple IP addresses
- Click OK to save and apply
Delete an Approved IP Address
- In the All Devices view, go to Settings > General Settings > Security
- Highlight the target IP address in the Approved IP Addresses list
- Select Remove
- Click OK to save and apply