N-sight RMM (dashboard) URLs

When you sign in to N-sight RMM, you enter your Territory URL and you are redirected to the Single Sign-On login page at https://sso.navigatorlogin.com for authentication.

After successful authentication, you are directed back to your originally entered URL and N-sight RMM displays.

For example, if you are in the United States and you go to https://dashboard.systemmonitor.us/, you are redirected to https://sso.navigatorlogin.com to authenticate. After you successfully authenticate, you are returned to https://dashboard.systemmonitor.us/ and your N-sight RMM displays.

If users experience problems reaching https://sso.navigatorlogin.com or their Territory URL, you may need to add the URL to the allowed list on any Firewall or Web/URL content filtering to ensure users can access N-sight RMM. For more information, see Important: https://www.navigatorlogin.com Access.

Territory URL
Americas https://dashboard.am.remote.management/
Asia https://dashboardasia.system-monitor.com/
Australia https://dashboard.system-monitor.com/
Europe https://dashboardeurope1.systemmonitor.eu.com/
France (FR) https://dashboardfrance.systemmonitor.eu.com/
France1 https://dashboardfrance1.systemmonitor.eu.com/
Germany https://dashboardgermany1.systemmonitor.eu.com/
Ireland https://dashboardireland.systemmonitor.eu.com/
Poland https://dashboardpoland1.systemmonitor.eu.com/
United Kingdom https://dashboard.systemmonitor.co.uk/
United States   https://dashboard.systemmonitor.us/

With the availability of Custom branded URLs we no longer require the secondary Dashboards (WWW2 or Dashboard 2).

Other required network connections: