Active Issues

In addition to using the All Devices view and Wall Chart to identify and respond to Check problems, you can also create your own customized Active Issues view filtered by Client, Site, Device and Check type as well as Check status.

Before you launch Active Issues, we recommend you set your All Devices view view to show all clients to ensure that when you click on View device in the Active Issues dialog, you are returned to the All Devices view and the selected client, site and device displayed. If you select a specific client and/or site in theAll Devices view view before launching Active Issues, only devices matching that client and site combination display when you click View device.

To open the Active Issues view using the All Devices view vertical menu:

  1. In N-sight RMM vertical menu, click the Dashboards menu icon
  2. Select Active Issues from the drop-down

Access to the Active Issues view requires the Monitoring & Management Networks Permissions.
The Active Issues view is Client Group aware. It only displays those Clients, Sites and Devices assigned to the user.

To open the Active Issues view from the All Devices view Checks tab:

  1. On the All Devices view North-pane, select the device
  2. In the South-pane, go to the Checks tab
  3. Tick the checkbox beside a failed Check to display its available actions.
  4. Click on Active Issues to open the Active Issues section displaying all failing Checks of the selected type
  5. The Checks tab Active Issues option only supports the selection of one Check at a time.

Active Issues Layout

The filter selection is retained when Active Issues refreshes.

The Active Issues view consists of two panes:

  1. Left filter pane — Contains Clients and Filters options
  2. Select Clients to review and select Clients and Sites with reported issues. When selected, the problem Checks appear in the main pane.

    Select Filters to filter by any combination of Check Status, Device Type, or Check Type. Where Clients and Sites were selected, these options allow the you to further filter the results.

  3. Main Pane — Lists all Checks that match the selected filter criteria and provides Check details. This includes its name, current status, outage cause and when the Check last ran along with the Device name and associated Client and Site.
  4. By default, the Main pane sorts by Check Status with the option to use the drop-down to select alternative sort criteria.

    From the main pane, you can select or deselect one or more checks using their tick box or use the column header tick box to select or deselect all.

    Depending on the selected Checks and their statuses, you can Run Check now or Clear Checks in the top bar of the main pane. To provide an indicator of the number of Checks selected in the main pane, the top bar displays the Checks ticked against the filtered selection total.

    When clearing Checks, you can Set check clearing behavior and enter a Technical or Client-facing note. If the account is configured to Prompt for notes when clearing failed checks a Technical and/or Client-facing note must be entered.

    Where an individual Check is selected, you can View in devices from the main pane top bar and open the All Devices view focused on that Device. You can then use the vertical menu to return to the Active Issues view or select a failing check then click on its Active Issues button.

All actions initiated from the Active Issues view are recorded in the User Audit Report, available from Reports > User Audit Report.