Availability reports

The availability reports shows the accessible devices and services being used. Availability reports are only available at the customer level.

To access the availability reports, click ReportsAvailability.

Report NameDescription


Availability aggregated for one device

This report lets you select a device, and generates its aggregated availability as a pie chart for a selected time period. Availability is calculated using the amount of time all TCP-based and process services were in a normal state. This provides a comprehensive look at the true uptime of a server, where uptime is defined as all required services working.


Availability aggregated for one service on one device

This report lets you select a device, and a service on this device, and generates a pi chart for a selected time period showing the service availability, and the amount of time the service spent in each state.

You can choose to Include Stale Data in this report. This can help identify possible communication or performance issues.


Availability of multiple services on multiple devices

This report lets you select one or more services, and then select one or more devices, and displays as a list the percentage availability of the services on the devices. If availability of one service decreases considerably, viewing the availability of other services can help determine the reason for its decreased availability.


Availability of multiple services on one device

This report lets you select a device, and then select one or more services, and displays as a graph and a table the minimum, maximum and average uptime for each service for a selected time period. If availability of one service decreases considerably, viewing the availability of other services can help determine the reason for the decreased availability.


Availability of one service on multiple devices

This report lets you select a service, and then select one or more services, and displays as a graph and a table the minimum, maximum and average uptime for the service on each device for a selected time period. This can be displayed as a single graph and table or a separate graph for each device.

This report enables technical staff to see how services across devices compare from an availability perspective. This can help present the true uptime of each server in a web farm, for example. This report allows visual inspection of how each device compared for that service.


Detailed status

This report lets you select a device and a service on the device, and generates a detailed overview of the state of the service over time. This report helps you understand how long the selected service was in each state, how often the state changes, and if there are common state changes every day, every week, or every month. This can prove very useful when troubleshooting elusive network or TCP service issues.


Status distribution

This report lets you select a device and a service on the device, and generates a status distribution report showing the relative breakdown of states for this service. This lets you see how much time a device spends in a given state on a day by day basis.