User security

There are a number of user security features available for N-sight RMM including:

Security feature Description
Two-Factor Authentication Enter the username, password and authenticator security code to login.
IP Addresses Restriction Require verification for logins from new IP addresses or only allow access from specific IP addresses.
Disable or Enable Agent Key user access Prevent the Agent Key, which is included in the registration email, from accessing N-sight RMM and easily manage each staff user from Settings > Users.
Session Timeout Automatically ends the session where the user has been inactive for the specified timeout period.

Lockout Mechanism

N-sight RMM has a lockout mechanism to help prevent brute force attacks.

The lockout comes into effect after fifty consecutive login failures with the user and IP address blocked for a five minute period. The account is automatically unblocked after five minutes of complete inactivity for that user and from that IP address.

If a lockout period is triggered, we recommend you cease activity for 10 minutes and then retry.

HTTPS Redirects

For additional security, when you access N-sight RMM over HTTP you are automatically redirected to HTTPS (unless you are using a custom URL).