Getting Started
Risk Intelligence works by uncovering sensitive data, vulnerabilities and inappropriate access permissions in your network and shows the cost of the liability you are carrying in your systems.
This guide describes how to set up your organizations and users in Risk Intelligence and then go on to monitor your devices using Risk Intelligence's advanced scanning, analysis and reporting features.
- Quick Start Guide for MSPs
- Data Breach Risk Quick Start Guide Introduction
- Useful Links - Links to helpful resources including other Risk Intelligence guides.
- Accessing Risk Intelligence - How to access the application
- Application Overview - A quick overview of the application interface
- Account Management - Set up and manage your organizations' accounts including billing details, users and scan configurations
- User Management - Add, edit and delete system users
- Dashboard - View and customize the system Dashboard
- Scanning - Set up and scan computers and monitor individual device results
- Reporting - Set up your reports and report on scanned data on devices in your organization(s)
- Branding - Customize your system and report output to suit your branding requirements