Windows System Tray Application

The Windows System Tray Application provides a self-service tool for the end user. The end user clicks the System Tray Application icon and then selects an action from the menu.

You can Enable or Edit the System Tray Application to match your requirements. You can Select the System Tray Application Icon displayed in the end-user taskbar, and you can select the System Tray Application Options for the end user. For example, you may want to set options, such as:

  • Send an email - including a screenshot of the current screen (You can specify the Recipient, Subject line and content)
  • Take and save a screenshot of the current screen
  • Run a file locally
  • Click a hyperlink to open one of your default webpages to log cases, upload files or initiate remote support sessions, and so on

After you configure and enable the System Tray Application, the next time the end user logs into their device, the System Tray Application will be available. For examples, see System Tray Application Example.

Dashboard Permissions

Agent updates and Windows System Tray Application configuration and usage is available to Dashboard users with enhanced permissions (for example Superuser) or a login with Agents and System Tray privileges enabled.

Any substantive changes made via the Dashboard, for example changes to the System Tray Application Policy Settings, are included in the Report menu's User Audit Report.

Terminal Server

The Windows System Tray Application runs once per device, rather than once per session. As such, it does not support multiple terminal sessions on a device. The icon may appear when additional users logon, but disappears when they attempt any interaction.

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