View Scan Results

After the Risk Intelligence Automated Tasks are complete, they upload their information to the All Devices view and the Risk Intelligence dashboard. The All Devices view displays the Automated Task status, and the Risk Intelligence dashboard contains the scan results under "View and Manage", "Scan Results".

For information about how to view the "Scan Results", see Open Risk Intelligence .

Each of the scan reports have the following sections. In each section you have the option to expand or collapse the panel. In some sections you can choose to export the information as a CSV file. This will download all the information from the section and does not enforce any filters you may have applied.

Section Expanded Data Risk Breach Data Risk Breach Security PCI and PAN Scan File Finder
Device Details Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Unprotected Data Summary Yes Yes   Yes  
Vulnerability Summary Yes Yes   Yes  
Unprotected Data Details Yes Yes   Yes  
Unprotected Data Scan Statistics Yes Yes   Yes  
Vulnerability Summary     Yes    
Vulnerability by Vendor Details Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Vulnerability Details Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Network Port Details Yes Yes Yes Yes  
Technical Safeguards Summary Yes        
Technical Safeguards Yes        
PCI DSS Summary       Yes  
PCI DSS Details       Yes  
File Finder Data Summary         Yes
File Finder Scan Statistics         Yes

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