Migrate from Linux Agent v1 to v2.0

This migration task only applies when you migrate from Linux Agent Version 1 to specifically Linux Agent Version 2.0.

Linux Agent Versions 2.0.1 and later support an upgrade from Linux Agent Version 1 that does not require the uninstallation of the existing Agent and retains the device data. Review Update the Linux Agent for information on the upgrade process.

Before you upgrade from Linux Agent Version 1 to 2.0, we recommend you review the supported Distributions and dependencies.

Site Install Package or Manual Migration

To migrate from Linux Agent Version 1 to 2.0, you can use the Remote Worker Site Install Package for automatic deployments or use manual installation.

For both migration options, a warning message displays when the installer is run on a device with Linux Agent Version 1 installed to inform the user that Linux Agent Version 1 will be uninstalled and its data removed from the All Devices view. Answer "y" to continue or "n" to abort the upgrade process.

Uninstalling Linux Agent Version 1 removes the device from the All Devices view and deletes all of its history. Before you migrate, we recommend you copy all of the information and reports you require for the device.

Note that Legacy Agent settings aren't compatible with Agent 2.0.0
Warning: all existing device data will be removed from the Dashboard
Following actions will be performed:
1. Existing device will be removed from the Dashboard
2. Agent will be upgraded to version 2.0.0
3. Agent will be registered at the Dashboard using provided credentials
Are you sure? [y/n]

For Site Install Package deployments the installation then proceeds without further user interaction, registering the device with the N-sight RMM user interface.

When you migrate manually, the user is guided through the registration to re-add the device to the All Devices view.

Cleanup (optional)

The packages and repositories used by Linux Agent Version 1 are no longer required after upgrading to Linux Agent and can be safely removed.

Cleanup on Debian-based distributions

Manually remove the rmmagent repository from the /etc/apt/sources.list file.

Then run the following commands as root.

When in the root shell

# apt-get update

Using sudo

$ sudo apt-get update

To remove no longer required packages run.

When in the root shell

# apt-get autoremove

Using sudo

$ sudo apt-get autoremove

Cleanup on SUSE-based distributions

Remove the rmmagent repository using.

# zypper removerepo rmmagent

List unneeded packages through.

# zypper packages --unneeded

Then run the following command to remove them.

# zypper remove <package>

Cleanup on Red Hat, Fedora and CentOS

Remove the rmmagent repository using.

# rm /etc/yum.repos.d/rmmagent.repo

Use the following commands to remove no longer required packages.


# dnf autoremove


# yum autoremove

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