Configure who receives notifications and alerts

When a Check fails or a server does not report in to N-sight RMM, alerts and notifications are generated. You configure who receives those email and SMS notifications and alerts during office hours and out of office hours.

Using Alert Routing, you can configure notifications and alerts at the following levels:

  • All Servers or Workstations, or at the Client and Site level
  • Individual device level
  • Check level for server alerts

These levels of routing notifications and alerts can be useful if specific teams are assigned to particular Clients or critical Check types.

Alerting uses a hierarchical structure to inherit alerting policies. By default devices inherit from the site, which inherits from the client, which in turn inherits from the all servers or workstation setting.

If a recipient field is not specified, the setting for this Alert is inherited from the parent.

To configure who receives notifications and alerts:

  1. In the All Devices view, use one of the following choices to go to configure alert routing:
    What level are you configuring alert routing?Action
    All Servers or Workstations, or at the Client and Site level
    1. Go to Settings > Alerts > Settings
    2. Select the target entities. You can select all servers, all workstations, a client or a site

    Individual device level
    1. Right-click the target device in the North-pane and select Edit <device_type>
    2. Select Alert Routing

    Check level for servers
    1. Select the target server in the North-pane

    2. Go to Checks in the South-pane
    3. Select the target Check and click Edit Check
    4. Select Alert Settings > Alert Routing

    A dialog displays the Alert Routing options.

  2. For Office Hours, enter the recipient Email addresses and/or SMS numbers

    Use a comma to separate multiple email or SMS entries, and include the country calling code in SMS numbers. For example, +4676123456 for a Swedish number.

  3. For Out of Office Hours, enter the recipient Email addresses and/or SMS numbers
  4. Optionally, you can select Send Check IDs in the Email Headers section if you want the system to add system identification information for the Check, Device, and Site to the email header in the following format:

    Enabling Check IDs includes the X-SYSTEMMONITOR-DEVICEID in Data Overdue and Data Received email alerts.

    Check IDs are only included in Check alerts, they are not included in Device level notifications. For example, Server Overdue.

  5. Select OK to apply

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