Health Score

The Health Score is a weighted aggregation of the system's health across various components. The Health Score section includes a component breakdown for the calendar month.

To avoid negatively impacting on the Health Score, non-enabled features are excluded from the calculation.

Component Description
Proactive Monitoring Percentage of passing 24x7 and Daily Safety Checks
Antivirus Average of Coverage and Protection
Coverage Percentage of devices with an Antivirus Update Check (all products)
Protection Percentage of passing Antivirus Update Check (all products) and Managed Antivirus Checks (where Managed Antivirus enabled)
Backup Percentage of passing Backup Checks (all products)
Server Availability Percentage of time all server have been available.
Patch Management Average of Coverage and Protection
Coverage Percentage of devices with Patch Management enabled
Protection Percentage of detected patches that were installed.
Closed Help Desk Tickets Percentage of tickets resolved / raised where a service desk is configured for N-sight RMM (MSP Manager, Service Desk, Autotask or ConnectWise)
Failed Login Attempts Percentage of the number of passed Failed Login Checks divided by the total Failed Login Checks. 0% indicates there were no failures.
Risk Intelligence Average of Coverage and Protection
Coverage Percentage of total devices with Risk Intelligence enabled
Protection Percentage of passing Risk Intelligence Automated Tasks
Web Protection Average of Coverage and Protection
Coverage Percentage of devices with Web Protection enabled
Protection Percentage of malicious requests blocked / allowed

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