Manually enroll devices in DMA

Apple devices must be enrolled in Device Management for Apple before you can apply Configuration Profiles or send commands to them.

You can manually enroll devices in Device Management for Apple using the Enrollment Helper to prompt end users to approve the enrollment or, if your customer has an Apple Business Manager (ABM) account, you can enroll devices automatically.

When a device is manually enrolled, we push a specific enrollment profile to the device with an MDM payload that enrolls the device in Device Management for Apple. There can be only one enrollment profile on a device at a time.

Before you enroll devices in Device Management for Apple, ensure the Requirements for DMA are completed.

Use the following tasks to manually enroll, or manage aspects of enrollment for, macOS devices or iOS devices:

macOS devices

iOS devices

To remove an enrollment profile from a macOS computer or an iOS device:

When you Delete a mobile device from N-sight RMM, the enrollment profile is automatically removed.

Updated: Mar 28, 2024