Monitor and manage mobile devices

In N-sight RMM, you can monitor and manage mobile devices using the following tasks:

Monitor in the North-pane

In the North-pane, mobile devices that are enrolled in Device Management for Apple and are successfully registered include a green tick against the device and the operating system and device type are displayed.

You can filter Mobile devices using the drop-down to show All Mobile Devices, Active Mobile Devices, Unregistered Mobile Devices and Apple Device Managed devices.

The Mobile Devices tab in North-pane includes the following information:

Column Column Description or Options Icon
Operating System Apple iOS ios_icon
Device Type Phone phone_icon
Tablet tablet_icon
Client The Client the mobile device is registered against
Site The associated Site
Device The device name assigned when the device was added in the All Devices view
Policy Type/Ownership Company (COD) mdm_cod
Employee (BYOD) client_icon
Device Holder User name and email address
Phone Number Phone Number (where applicable)
Last Response The last time the device communicated with the Dashboard

Monitor in the South-pane

The South-pane displays Summary information about the device selected in the North-pane.

The Summary tab provides information about the supported features and the hardware and network details for the device.

The summary information displayed in the South-pane is dependent on the management options enabled for the device.

Edit a mobile device

You can edit the details that were entered for a mobile device when it was enrolled and registered.

You cannot move devices between Sites if an Apple Business Manager account is present.

When a mobile device is edited or deleted using N-sight RMM, it is recorded in the User Audit Report.

  1. In the All Devices viewNorth-pane go to the Mobile Devices tab
  2. Right-click the device and select Edit Mobile Device.

  3. Change the settings for General Settings or Device Holder as needed.
  4. Select OK to apply.

Delete a mobile device from N-sight RMM

If you no longer need to monitor and manage a mobile device, remove it from N-sight RMM. When you remove a mobile device from N-sight RMM, the enrollment profile on the device is removed.

When a mobile device is edited or deleted using N-sight RMM, it is recorded in the User Audit Report.

To fully remove an MDM solution from a device, you may need to uninstall the enrollment profile directly from the device. For more information, see Remove an enrollment profile manually.

  1. In the All Devices viewNorth-pane go to the Mobile Devices tab
  2. Right-click the device and select Delete Mobile Device.

  3. Enter your N-sight RMM password to confirm.
  4. Select OK to apply.

The association between the mobile device and N-sight RMM is removed.

If you manually remove the enrollment profile directly from a device, it is not communicated to N-sight RMM and the device reports as active until it is deleted using the N-sight RMM user interface.

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Updated: Jan 13, 2025