Custom Scan Options

The following table lists the Scan Options available under Scan Configuration.

Scan options Description Security scan File finder Data Breach Risk Scan (DBRS) Expanded Data Breach Scan (ExDBRS) Pan and Scan
Scan Configuration Name Identify the scan on the Dashboards and Reports Security Scan File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Automatically Scan User when Scan Starts Allows the user to control when the scan starts. When False is entered, a Start Scan button is displayed. Security Scan File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Hide the report from the user when scan completes Prevents the report from displaying to the end user when the scan completes Security Scan File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
The URL for Help on the Scan Page Enter the location for the help file, by default /scan_me/help Security Scan File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Scan redirection URL Redirects the output of the scan to the specified URL so that the scan report style can be customized. Security Scan File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Number 0-10, 0 is no logging, 10 is maximum logging Specifies the amount the information logged to the app.log during each scan. The default value (2) logs ERROR, INFO and some DEBUG details. This value may be increased when troubleshooting a scan issue to provide additional information in the log files. Security Scan File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
List of Check IDs to suppress Contains a list of patch, vulnerability and configuration OVAL (Open Vulnerability and Assessment Language) Check IDs to suppress in the scans results report. Simply use one of the online repositories to identify the OVAL identifier associated with the definition you wish to suppress then add this to the list. Check IDs in this list are comma separated. Please note that this option is normally only used where a check cannot run against a particular machine. Security Scan DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Enable scanning of removable drives in data discovery scans Scan removable drives as part of the scan File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
List only the directories that you wish to scan Enter the specific directories to scan, multiple entries are comma separated. For example: c:\temp, c:\users\history File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Exclude system directories data scans Prevents scanning of the system directories File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Enable scanning of drives mounted from network shares in data discovery scans Scans drives mounted from network shares as part of the scan File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Throttle CPU utilization at the cost of scan speed Controls the CPU utilization used by the executable during the scan. The higher the entered value, the less the CPU is utilized and the longer the scan will take to complete. File Finder DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Exclude specific file types from data discovery scans Prevents scanning of the entered file types. Multiple file types may be entered a separated by a vertical bar. For example, txt|doc|docx DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Include additional file types for data scans Incorporates the specified file types in the scan. Multiple file types may be entered a separated by a vertical bar. For example, txt|doc|docx DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan
Scan all file types regardless of extension in data discovery scans Scans all file types as part of the scan DBRS ExDBRS Pan and Scan

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