ConnectWise Manage FAQs
If it is a 24x7 Check or overdue server, any failure creates a new PSA Ticket.
If it is a Daily Safety Check, the first time the check fails a new PSA Ticket is created, subsequent failures for the check reopen the same PSA Ticket.
There may be times where a failure is reported in the Outages tab with the PSA Ticket state of None, although PSA Tickets are set for auto-creation. This can occur depending on the Check and its configuration.
For example the Performance and Bandwidth Monitoring Checks have an Alert Suppression setting configurable from the All Devices view and if the check has failed, but not yet exceeded the threshold, the Check will show in the Outages tab and All Devices view with a yellow tick.
If the check remains in this failed stated beyond this threshold figure, its status will change, with both the Outages tab and All Devices view displaying a red tick and at this point the PSA Ticket is created and Alert sent (if configured.)
Any problems experienced with the PSA integration will result in a warning icon in the top right of the All Devices view with the number of errors displayed. Clicking on the icon displays details of the issue and any suggested resolutions. For more information, see PSA Integration Problem Reporting.
Any N-sight RMM clients deleted from the All Devices view, raise a deleted ticket in ConnectWise.
Any accounts deleted in ConnectWise Manage are still displayed on the All Devices view but are recorded as un-mapped.
Only notes added using the All Devices view Notes are displayed in the Notes Reports. Any notes added to the PSA Ticket using either the All Devices view or ConnectWise Manage PSA are not included.
Yes, depending on the ticket creation policy configured in the PSA devices must first be mapped from the All Devices view to the corresponding item within ConnectWise Manage to allow tickets to be created against them. For more information, see PSA Asset Mapping.
By default the Windows Agent does not upload Asset information from Virtual Machines, although there is the option to either configure this for all devices on the registered against the All Devices view or for individual devices. Instructions on how to do this are included in the section: Windows Virtual Machines