Amend Linux Agent settings, checks and default alerts

All aspects of the Linux Agent are controlled from the All Devices view.

Agent Settings

The Edit Server dialog, available from the Server drop-down in the All Devices view North-pane Servers or Mixed tabs contains three configuration options.

General Settings

From here you can do the following.

  • View and change the device's Client and Site association as well as the Server Name and Description in Site and Device information
  • Review the installed Agent version
  • View and change the 24x7 and Daily Safety Check Run Time under Check Frequency
  • Setup the Offline and overdue alert settings
    • Automatically put the server in offline mode if it is shutdown gracefully: determines the alert handling during a managed shutdown

      Do not enable "Automatically put the device type in offline mode if it is shutdown gracefully" for a device that is constantly running and any shutdowns may be indicative of a problem.

    • Maximum duration for offline mode - the amount of time that elapses before an offline server is marked as overdue and an alert generated
    • Overdue alert settings - the number of Agent cycles before a server is reported as overdue and an alert generated

Alert Routing

Choose whether to configure custom recipients for any alerts generated by the device, or "Use Parent" settings.

Alert Policy

For those Checks with a threshold configuration option, Antivirus Update Check, SNMP Check, Performance Monitoring Checks etc. you can apply the company setting or apply custom thresholds for the device.


Linux Agent checks are only configurable using the All Devices view.

Go to the South-pane Checks tab. Use the Add Check drop-down to add a new 24x7 or DSC check to the device, or select an existing check and use the Checks drop-down menu to...

  • Force the Check to run

  • Add a Note against the Check

  • Clear (acknowledge) the Check when it is in the failed state

  • Where a Check has failed you can view the Active Issues section

  • Assign an Automated Task to run when the Check fails

  • Edit the Check's settings

  • Delete the Check

You can select multiple checks for deletion from the device. Use Shift plus left-click to choose a range or Control and left-click for specific Checks. Once done choose Delete Checks from the Checks drop down. You are prompted to enter the password you used to sign into N-sight RMM to confirm check deletions.

You can also manage Checks on multiple devices by clicking Multiple Devices when in the Check settings dialog or by selecting Edit Checks Like This or Delete Checks Like This from the Check drop-down.

For more information, see Checks.

Check Alerting Behavior

Set up the Configure who receives notifications and alerts for each check. When in the Add or Edit Check dialog click Alert Settings then decide on whether to receive Outage Alerts and / or Recovery Alerts as emails, SMS or leave blank for no Alerts.

In addition to selecting the format the Check notifications will take, this menu also includes the option to configure the recipients via Alert Routing.

To view the configured alerts for the Device's Checks, click on the Alert Columns in the Checks pane. This adds the selected columns to the South-pane where you can select or deselect the required Check alerting option.

Rather than amend each Check's notification settings manually you can Configure the default alert policy for Checks via Settings > Alerts> Alert Policy.

Existing Checks

To roll these settings out to existing Checks and replace their current settings; configure the Alert settings as required, enable the tickbox under the Update column against the required Checks and click Apply.

Whether the Alerts are configured for new or existing Checks, the notifications are sent to the recipients configured in Alert RoutingSettings dialog available from Settings, Alerts, Settings

Monitoring templates

Configure all the Device's Checks and Automated Tasks through monitoring templates. Once the Agent installs, use monitoring templates to apply a common configuration across device types.


Run the following command in the computer's command line to force a configuration synchronization between the All Devices view and Linux Agent.

$ sudo /usr/local/rmmagent/rmmagentd sync

$ sudo /usr/local/rmmagent/rmmagentd sync

Synchronising now.