Connect2Help tray tool

The Connect2Help Tray Tool is a deployable .MSI file that will install a popup tool onto the desktop of your managed workstations and servers. This tray tool is multifunctional and can be branded to suit your requirements.

This tray tool will provide useful information to the client in the form of the device IP, login server, logged in user account, and agent status. It will also allow you to add customized links that allow your clients to contact your support team, access web portals, and run common system commands.

The following information reviews configuration, branding, deployment and updating of the Connect2Help Tray Tool along with suggested uses, command lines, and branding tips.

By completing each step listed below, you can customize and install Connect2Help on a remote device.

Check each step as you work through the process
Step 1 – timezone

Step 2 – timezone

Step 3 - timezone

Step 4 - timezone

To resolve issues with Connect2Help, see timezone.