
Agents agent windows agent mac agent macintosh agent linux agent using agents agent overview agents overview about agents

An Agent is software installed on a Microsoft, macOS, or Linux computer to gather data specific to that local device, which is communicated to N-able N-central. Agents are typically installed on all Windows devices to provide full monitoring and management regardless of the logical placement of that device on the network or Internet.

N-able N-central no longer supports Windows XP and Server 2003 as of version 11.0 SP1. There will be no technical changes to prevent the installation or function of Agents. This will give you time to transition your devices to newer Windows versions.

Agents send minimal traffic over ports 443 (HTTPS), 80 (HTTP) and 22 (SSH).

Ensure you exclude N-able N-central from third party antivirus scans to ensure the N-able N-central software functions properly. Add the path <install path>\N-able Technologies\ to the list of scan exclusions. This is not required for security solutions integrated with N-able N-central such as AV Defender.

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