Re-install an agent
You can re-install an agent on a device if it stops communicating with N-able N-central. There may be a number of different reasons why the agent stops communications with the server such as a technical issue or it has been accidentally uninstalled. You can easily re-install the agent from within N-able N-central, rather than uninstalling and installing again. This feature is available on all operating systems.
When performing a re-install from within N-able N-central, all tasks, monitoring services and historical data is preserved.
- Click Views > All Devices.
- Click the name of the device.
- Click Settings > Local Agent.
- Click Reinstall Agent.
Alternatively, you can send an agent reinstall request from the Device Details.
- Click Views > All Devices.
- Click the name of the device.
- Click Add Task > Reinstall Agent.
N-able N-central downloads the agent executable to the device and begins the installation. Once installed, the agent connects with N-able N-central.
Multiple device agent re-install
Increasing the number of devices on which the agent is reinstalled, increases the time it will take to complete the process.
If you need to re-install agent on multiple devices:
- Click Views > All Devices.
- Select the devices by clicking the check boxes for each device.
- Click Add Task > Maintenance > Reinstall Agent.