Locate legacy agent software
Use N-able N-central filters to locate outdated agent software. Older versions of the agent software can cause issues as you upgrade N-able N-central as some features may not perform as efficiently.
Create a filter to retrieve only devices with legacy agents installed. By creating a filter, you can associate this with a dashboard or a rule for ongoing agent maintenance.
To determine what the current agent software version is, click Actions > Download Agent/Probe and click the System Software tab.
- At the Service Organization level, click Configuration > Filters and click Add.
- Enter the Filter Name
Legacy Agents
. - From the Is available to drop-down list box, select Everyone.
- For Find devices where, select Device > Agent Version > Less Than and enter the most recent agent version number in the Input a Value field.
- Click Save.
The new filter appears in the filters list. You will need to manually update this filter after each upgrade to the N-able N-central server is applied.
- Click View > All Devices.
- Click the Filter button and select Legacy Agents from the list.
Any devices with older agents appear in the list. With this list you can now upgrade the Windows agent.