Interact with the remote computer during a support session

The Interactions menu contains the following features that can directly interact with the remote computer:

  • Laser Pointer – reproduces mouse movements as a colored dot on the remote computer.
  • Take Screenshot – saves a screenshot of the remote screen as a JPEG image.
  • Copy Screenshot to Clipboard – after taking a screenshot, the screenshot is saved and then copied to the remote clipboard.
  • Copy / Paste

    Use the Shift+Ctrl+C and Shift+Ctrl+V shortcuts to avoid clicking outside of the remote machine during a support session.

    • Copy/Paste > Get Remote Clipboard – Shift+Ctrl+C – copies the remote clipboard contents (text only) to the local clipboard.
    • Copy/Paste > Send Local Clipboard – Shift+Ctrl+V – copies the local clipboard contents (text only) to the remote clipboard.
    • Copy/Paste > Insert Copied Password – the Windows Viewer takes the copied text and simulates key presses on the remote machine to insert the password.
    • Copying passwords or sensitive information must be handled with care. Do not perform copy operations of sensitive information with multiple open sessions.

  • Shared Clipboard – disables the clipboard synchronization entirely. You can also opt to keep a partial synchronization, either from the local to the remote machine, from the remote machine to the local machine, or bidirectionally.
  • Clear Clipboard when session ends – clears the remote agent, local clipboard, or both at the end of a session.
  • Enable Remote Printing/Local Default Printer – enables printing from the remote computer, and allows the technician to specify a default printer on the local device.
  • Enable keyboard mapping - ensures local characters are typed correctly on the remote end of an support session.
  • Open Secrets Vault - open the Password Secrets Vaults, select the credentials you want to use, and insert the password for the selected vault.

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