Parallel SNMP Queries and set the SNMP Timeout Value

Parallel SNMP Queries

The SNMP engine supports the use of parallel SNMP GET requests, which improves efficiency reducing time and resource usage when running multiple SNMP Checks.

Where SNMPv2c is selected the Windows Agent probes the SNMP Agent to determine whether 64-bit counters are supported and if not supported the Windows Agent will default to SNMPv1 and 32-bit counters.

Please note, due to the nature of parallelism in SNMPv1 if one of the calls does not return information, all of the parallel SNMP Checks initiated with this call are reported as failed. This behavior does not occur in SNMPv2c.

This is illustrated in the below example:

Check A B C
Information Data Data Null

SNMPv1 : Checks A, B and C are reported as failed.

SNMPv2c : Checks A and B are reported as passed, with Check C failed

Send an SNMP request per Check

You must amend the settings.ini file in the FmPlugin folder for each device to include a MAXBATCHSIZE entry.

Log on to the target device, navigate to the FmPlugin folder of the Agent installation directory (by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Monitoring Agent\FmPlugin) and open the settings.ini file.

Create an [SNMP] section (if one does not already exist) and enter a MAXBATCHSIZE string with a value of 1 (so only one SNMP request is sent per check) then save the settings.ini file.

For example:


The default MAXBATCHSIZE value is 16 and we would suggest entering a maximum of 64.

Set SNMP Timeout Value

Not all SNMP queries will return data within the allotted time period resulting in a Check failure due to a timeout condition. To help alleviate this type of issue, you can configure the SNPM timeout per device.

Log on to the target device, navigate to the FmPlugin folder of the Agent installation directory (by default: C:\Program Files (x86)\Advanced Monitoring Agent\FmPlugin) and open the settings.ini file.

Create an [SNMP] section (if one does not already exist) and enter a TIMEOUTINSECONDS string with a value of 10 (seconds) then save the settings.ini file.

For example:


The TIMEOUTINSECONDS string supports values up to 10 seconds, which defaults to 4 if not defined

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