Backup & Recovery Self-Service Seed Loading Outline

To offer an enhanced solution, standalone Cove Data Protection (Cove) replaced Backup and Recovery. Where Backup and Recovery has been enabled and continues to be so for devices, the options presented here are still available.

If Backup and Recovery options are not present in your N-sight RMM, you need to use Cove.

To start a 30-day free trial of Cove, click the app switcher in the Product Bar, and select Cove Data Protection (Cove).


  • USB drive with enough capacity to hold the seeding data.
    • Recommendation: use a drive at least the size of the selected data.
  • Server Upload Tool - Uploads the data to the online data store.
Backup Manager version Windows OS bit version
Pre-17 Server Upload Tool 32-bit Server Upload Tool 64-bit
From 17 Server Upload Tool 32-bit Server Upload Tool 64-bit


Create Seed Backup

  1. Attach the USB drive to the source device
  2. Launch the Backup Manager
  3. Go to Preferences > Seeding
  4. Enter the file save location in the Seeding Path
  5. Click Enable Seeding
  6. After initialization go to the Backup tab
  7. Verify the Data Source selection
  8. Use Add or Edit to amend
  9. Once satisfied click Run Seeding
  10. When the seeding backup process is finished click Complete seeding in the yellow notification bar of Backup Manger
  11. Remove the USB drive

As the logon account Backup & Recovery is running under may not have access to the network location to be used as the vault, when entering the UNC path - starting with \\ (for example \\Storage1\seeding) - it may be necessary to change the logon account for the Backup Service Controller service.

Upload Seed Backup

  1. Download and unpack the contents of the Server Upload Tool for the upload computer's architecture to the Backup Manager installation directory, for example: C:\Program Files\Backup Manager.
  2. Open the command prompt on the upload computer
  3. Navigate to the directory containing servertool.exe
  4. Enter the following to initiate the upload process:
  5. ServerTool.exe seeds.upload -path <UniqueID-Folder> -threadscount <1-10>

    For example:

    e:\ServerTool.exe seeds.upload -path e:\uk0199cb529b49d34d879a9 -threadscount 1

  6. Once complete the message Seeds upload for account '<UniqueID>' has finished is displayed with the backup information displayed in the Backup Tab of the dashboard