Configure Check Clearing

Check clearing is enabled by default for 24x7 and Daily Safety Checks (DSC) but you can configure the Check clearing options.

To configure the Check clearing policies for 24x7 and Daily Safety Checks:

If you disable Check Clearing, any currently cleared Checks revert to failed status. This procedure does not generate an additional alert.

  1. Log into the All Devices view using an account with Check Clearing permissions enabled
  2. Go to Settings > General Settings
  3. Click Check Clearing
  4. Select the target options for the 24x7 Check Clearing Policy
  5. Select the target options for the DSC Clearing Policy
  6. If you want to allow users to override the default check clearing behaviors and choose the clearing behaviors when they are clearing a check, select Allow user to select check clearing behavior when clearing checks
  7. Click OK to save and apply