Build complex filters for Device Inventory

Create more complex filters for your Device Inventory with the Filter Builder. You can use the filters to produce customer-specific device lists, and then export the data to Microsoft Excel or view the devices pre-filtered in the All Devices view.


The filter builder includes the following:

Operator Description Example Example outcome
Expression Filters are made up of expressions. Each condition consists of a data field, an operation, and a value.

Displays all devices where the customer name is an exact match for “Customer 1”.

Combine filter expressions into nest-able groups made up of the following logical operators.

  • And
  • Or
  • Not And
  • Not Or

We recommend that groups contain at least two filter conditions.

Displays all the results that are true for either of the And groups. Which means the device type is Server and the OS is macOS, Or the device type is Desktop and the OS is Windows.
And Both conditions must be true. Condition1 And Condition2 Includes devices that meet both Condition1 and Condition2 in the displayed devices list.
Or Either condition must be true. Condition1 Or Condition2 Includes devices that meet either Condition1 or Condition2 in the displayed devices list.
Not And Both conditions must be true. Not (Condition1 And Condition2) Excludes devices that meet both Condition1 and Condition2 in the displayed devices list.
Not Or Either condition must be true. Not (Condition1 Or Condition2) Excludes devices that meet either Condition1 or Condition2 in the displayed devices list.

To best illustrate how to use filter builder, the following task filters for specific columns and criteria. When you build a filter, you can choose your own columns and criteria.

Build a complex filter based on site name, manufacturer, and OS

  1. In N-sight RMM, click the Dashboards menu icon in the vertical menu.
  2. Select Device Inventory.
  3. Select Create Filter.

  4. Select +.
  5. Select Device type and choose Site name, then select Is any of to choose Contains, and then select <enter a value> to enter West.

  6. Select +.
  7. Select Device type and choose Manufacturer, then select Is any of to choose Contains, and then select <enter a value> to enter VMware.

  8. Select +.
  9. Select Device type and choose OS, and select <enter a value> to choose Windows and click OK.

  10. For this example, that's all the filters we want to set, so select OK.

The Device Inventory is filtered according to the selections. You can select Create Filter if you want to make changes to the filters or you can select Clear to reset to the default view.

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