Permission Level Guide

Passportal contains a number of default user roles - these cannot be edited or deleted.

Should Edit or Delete/Disable options not be present for you when attempting these actions on a custom role, this indicates that your role permissions does not include Permissions: Edit or Permissions: Delete.

Passportal Pro Users

Default Permission Levels Description
Organization Admin

A permission level for owners, chief engineers/technicians and other top-level leadership roles. This permission level grants full access to everything, including the ability to set organization-wide settings and export data from Passportal.

This permission level also includes a built-in override, and users with this level cannot get locked out of passwords, clients or areas of Passportal,or via Security Groups.

Included Permissions: ALL

Manager - Assigned Access

A permission level for department heads, team leaders and other sub-administrator leadership roles. This permission level grants the ability to manage other users, use Passportal's auditing features and fully manage clients. Clients need to be manually assigned to the user for them to manage that Client.

Manager - Default Access

A permission level for department heads, team leaders and other sub-administrator leadership roles. This permission level grants the ability to manage other users, use Passportal's auditing features and fully manage clients. Can access all Clients by default.

Technician - Assigned Access

A permission level for regular users. This default level is intended for the day-to-day user by your technicians and engineers. Clients need to be manually assigned to the user for them to access that Client.

Technician - Default Access

A permission level for regular users. This default level is intended for the day-to-day user by your technicians and engineers. Can access all Clients by default.


Site Users

Default Permission Levels Description
Site Administrator

This is permission level is only available for client-based users, unlocked through the Site feature. This allows the Site based user to fully manage their organization.

This permission level also includes a built-in override, and users with this level cannot get locked out of passwords, clients or areas of Passportal, or via Security Groups.

Site User

This permission level is only available for Site based users, unlocked through the Site feature. This is for a regular Site based user, giving them capabilities to access and use their passwords, but no control over settings or managing their own organization.

Site User - Limited

This limited permission level is only available for Site based users, unlocked through the Site feature. This is for a regular Site based user, giving them capabilities to access and use their passwords, but no control over settings or managing their own organization.

Permissions Details

Permission Description
Admin: Cancel Account Grants the ability for a user to cancel the subscription with Passportal.
Admin: Download Marketing Materials Grants the ability for an admin to access the marketing materials downloads.
Admin: Export Data Grants the ability to export all passwords, clients and/or users in a CSV file format.
Admin: Manage User Lockouts Grants the ability for an admin to receive and handle user lockout incidences.
Admin: Organization Branding Grants the ability for a user to upload custom logo's and change the colours of the website.
Admin: Payment Details Grants the ability for a user to change and update the payment details for the ocular account.
Admin: PSA Sync Grants the ability for a user to set up and manage the PSA Integration.
Article: Add/Edit Grants the ability to add or edit Articles within Documentation Manager
Article: Delete

Grants the ability to delete Articles within Documentation Manager

Article: View Grants the ability to view Articles within Documentation Manager
Blink User Reset Grants the ability for the user to send Blink SMS resets to Blink users
Client: Add Grants the ability to add new clients.
Client: Default Access Grants the ability for a user to have default access to clients, instead of having to request access.
Client: Disable Grants the ability to disable existing clients.
Client: Edit Grants the ability to edit existing clients and the Client Overview Panel.
Client: View List Grants the ability to view and navigate the client list. Users need this Permission to access client passwords.
Credential Types: Add/Edit Grants the ability to add and remove custom credential types.
Dashboard: Edit Grants the ability to edit the client Notification Banner
Document: Add/Edit Grants the ability to add or edit documents
Document: Delete Grants the ability to disable documents
Document: View Grants the ability to only view documents
Domain: Add/Edit Grants the ability to add or edit domain assets
Domain: Disable Grants the ability to disable domain assets
Domain: View Grants the ability to view only
Edit Access Assignments Grants the ability for an admin to assign a user access to a client.
File: Add/Edit Grants the ability to add or edit a file
File: Delete Grants the ability to delete a file
File: Folder Add/Edit Grants the ability to edit or create folders in the files section
File: Folder Delete Grants the ability to delete folders in the files section
File: View Grants the ability to view/download files
Folder: Add/Edit Grants the ability to create/edit folders.
Import Data Grants the ability to use the CSV import templates to bulk add passwords, clients and/or users.
Organization: Admin An override permission. Grants access to all areas of Passportal , independently of other permissions. Overrides all security group and access assignments. Also grants access to the Security Groups (Add/Edit/Disable), Branding, Downloads, PSA Sync, Payment Details etc.
Password: Add Grants ability to control who can create new passwords.
Password: Archive Grants the ability to disable existing passwords.
Password: Clear Flags Grants the ability to reset password flags for flagged passwords.
Password: Edit Grants the ability to edit and modify existing passwords. (When granted also provides the permission Password: View even if that permission has not been explicitly granted).
Password: External Link Share Grants the ability to create and share a credential link externally from Passportal using the Temporary Password Share feature.
Password: View Grants the ability to view passwords.
Password: TOTP Add/Remove Grant the ability to add/remove TOTP
Permissions: Add Grants the ability to create custom permission levels.
Permissions: Delete Grants the ability to delete existing permission levels.
Permissions: Edit Grants the ability to modify existing custom permission levels as well as the ability to assign permission levels to users.
Permission: Share Grants the ability to share passwords with client based users.
Permissions: View Grants the ability to view the permission levels.
Plugin Access

Grants the ability to use Passportal plug-ins such as browser extensions, and RMM plugins.

Publish Item Grants the ability to publish a document so that it is accessible publicly.
Report: Changed Passwords Grants the ability to view which passwords were changed over a given date range via this report.
Report: Client Audit Log Grants the ability to view all activities performed for a client(s) over a given date range via this report.
Report: Client Passwords Grants the ability to view passwords for a particular client in plain text. This will be recorded in the password access logs.
Report: Passportal Logins Grants the ability to view all logins for a user(s) at your organization over a given date range via this report.
Report: Password Audit by User Grants the ability to view all activities performed by a user(s) over a given date range via this report.
Report: Password Complexity Grants ability to audit the strength and complexity of passwords via this report.
Report: Passwords Input by User Grants the ability to view which current passwords were input by a given user/users via this report.
Report: Passwords Known by User Grants the ability to view all passwords known by a user(s) for their entire lifespan using Passportal via this report.
Report: Recently Run Reports Grants the ability to view and re-run previously run reports.
Report: Unchanged Passwords Grants the ability to view what passwords have not been changed after a chosen date via this report.
RMM: Action Tools Grant the ability to see and use the special actions available within each RMM when viewing an asset (Remote Access, Shortcut to record in RMM, Software Audit, etc.)
Security Groups: Manage Grants the ability to edit all security groups
Security Groups: View Grants the ability to view all security groups
Setup AD Sync Grants the ability to configure and change settings related to the Active Directory Sync service - Includes Blink Setup - Grants access to Agent Key information required to install AD Sync agents
Site User: Add Grants the ability to add site users
Site User: Disable Grants the ability to disable site users
Site User: Edit Grants the ability to edit existing site users
SSL: Add/Edit Grants the ability to add or edit SSL certifications
SSL: Disable Grants the ability to disable SSL certifications
SSL: View Grants the ability to view only SSL certifications
Template: Add/Edit Grants the ability to create new templates and edit existing templates
Template: Delete Grants the ability to delete templates
User: Add Grants the ability to create new users
User: Auto-provision Grants the ability to set Auto-provisioning. This permission is only available to for Admins.
User: Disable Grants the ability to disable existing users.
User: Edit Grants the ability to edit existing users.
Vault Access Give the user a My Vault section

The list of permissions is constantly being updated in order to gradually improve the system by eliminating ambiguity and granting more granular control. If you have any questions, please contact support.