
We do not store the Encryption Key/Security Code or Passphrase for regular backup devices. If you cannot remember it and the device is still accessible, you can convert devices to passphrase-based encryption instead.

Install the backup device on another computer in the restore-only mode and recover the data from there.

Data is downloaded from the cloud or from the LocalSpeedVault (if it is available and synchronized).

During a restore data is automatically downloaded from the LocalSpeedVault to the local device (if the LocalSpeedVault is available and synchronized). This takes place automatically and cannot be reconfigured.

Yes. Specific file extensions can be restored from manual selection.

Files will retain their original permissions when restored to the original location.

It is not possible to restore directly to XenServer but doing a virtual disaster recovery to VMWare VMDK will provide you with the appropriate files which can then be imported to XenServer.
Please see their documentation here: .

- You can backup a system on AWS by installing Backup Manager directly on the Virtual Machine.
- To restore the system, you will need to:
- Spin up a new instance in AWS with the same operating system version, service pack and updates as the original device
- Download the Backup Manager onto the device and install it in Restore-Only mode
- Restore data from the restore tab of Backup Manager

The restore can be sped up by increasing the threads count for the Recovery Console:
- Quit the Recovery Console
- Terminate the BackupFP.exe and RecoveryConsole.exe processes from task manager
- Navigate to C:\Program Files\RecoveryConsole\config.ini
- In the [General] section, add the following:
Where # can be a whole number value fro 1-50, the default is 10.

To clear the log entries, you will need to remove the device then re-add it to the Recovery Console:
- Remove or rename the device folder in C:\Program Files\MXB or Managed Online Backup\Backup Manager\Storage\<device name>\
- Remove the device from the Recovery Console
- Select the device in the Recovery Console
- Click Remove
- End all Recovery Console processes within Task Manager
- Right-click on the task bar and select Task Manager
- Right-click on any task labeled 'Recovery Console' and select end-task
- Re-add the device to the Recovery Console
- Click the Add button on Recovery Console
- Enter the devices credentials

It is possible to install Recovery Console on numerous devices at once, so when moving it from one machine to another, you will follow the regular install process on the new device then uninstall from the old device. As such, you will need to add all the devices to the Recovery Console again on the new machine.

It is not possible to restore data if the initial backup has not completed. The device will show no restore sessions in the Backup Manager GUI.

Yes. This can be done by using the ReadOnlyMode
parameter in the config.ini file and setting the value to =1
. Restore-only mode is useful if you wish to temporarily disable backups on a machine but not uninstall the Backup Manager completely. Changing this back to =0
will turn the device back to full mode.
Find more information on Updating configuration file here.