Security Profiles

At the heart of the AV Defender solution is the security profile. AV Defender profiles are used to configure security settings that you apply to multiple devices after AV Defender is installed. The settings made in this profile directly dictate how efficient and effective the malware protection is. Your goal is to make the best tradeoff between reduced false positives and adequate protection.

There are four default security profiles included with N-able N-central. N-able recommends that you review the defaults to get an idea of the security coverage each offers. If needed, you can clone or customize the profiles.

You can create profiles at the Service Organization level or at the Customer/Site level. To make profile management easier and reduce the time needed to administer security protection, create a single profile at the Service Organization level or Customer/Site level.

Access to profiles is based on the level at which you create them. For example, a profile created at the system level is available at all levels, while a profile created at the Service Organization level would only be available within that Service Organization.

AV Defender profiles use the following modules to structure the way Security Manager provides security protection:

The Anti-Malware module is always included with every AV Defender profile as it is a core component of AV Defender. All other modules can be installed and enabled based on the customer's requirements. To make security protection more efficient, install only the modules that are needed.

In rare circumstances based on the condition of a device, the device may reboot immediately following the installation/uninstallation of a module. This is more likely to affect workstations because of firewall settings.

Select a Security Manager profile

Select a profile to apply to devices so you can create different combinations of configuration settings for use in different circumstances. The settings dictate how efficient and effective the provided malware protection is. Your goal is to make the best tradeoff between reduced false positives and adequate protection.

  1. Click Configuration > Security ManagerProfiles.
  2. Select the profile that best meets your security requirements:
    • Default Profile - Laptops/Workstations High Protection - Use on workstations and laptops that are prone to virus infection. It provides the strongest level of protection but adds heavier reliance on device resources (HDD, CPU, and RAM) to accomplish. When using protection at this level, false positives are more likely to be flagged by AV Defender.
    • Default Profile - Laptops/Workstations Low Resource - use on older workstations and laptops with limited resources.
    • Default Profile - Laptops/Workstations Normal Protection - Use as a starting point for further customization.
    • Default Profile - Servers Normal Protection - Use as a starting point for further customization.
  3. If the profile does not meet your needs either create a new profile by clicking Add, or clicking Clone and modify one of the default profiles.

After you select a Security Manager profile, configure an Update Server.