General settings module

The Settings module defines the user interface display options, update preferences, password protection, your support contact details, and other security settings.

  1. Click Configuration > Security Manager > Profiles.
  2. Click Add, or click on an existing profile to edit.
  3. In the General Settings area, click View Settings beside the Settings module.
  4. In the Display tab, configure the what the user will see on their device.
  5. When selecting the Enable system tray icon option, the computer needs to be restarted for the feature to be applied to the target device.

  6. Click the Advanced tab.
  7. Configure the settings for the security events log, crash reports, and user uninstall passwords. When selecting Submit crash reports to Bitdefender, no personal or secure information is transmitted.
  8. The vaccine tool that can protect against known and possible future versions of crypto ransomware families such as CTB-Locker, Locky and TeslaCrypt. This is known as the Anti-ransomware vaccine. The tool does this by exploiting flaws in their methods of spreading the ransomware. For more information, see Ransomware infection and detection.

  9. Click the Update tab.
  10. Configure the AV Defender update settings. Updates are critical as they allow AV Defender to counter the latest security threats.
  11. When configuring the failover server, the failover interval must be a minimum of double the value configured for the Update Interval (Hours) property. The failover value will automatically be assigned a value that is double that of the Update Interval value. This value can then be modified to be greater than double that of the Update Interval value but can never be less than twice as much as the update value.

  12. Click Save.