Automate your helpdesk with Workflows and routing rules
Create workflows and routing rules to automate your helpdesk and eliminate the risk of human error in your ticketing processes. Workflows consist of a specific order of rules that are initiated by trigger events. These rules are made up of conditions and actions, and can be arranged to create the most efficient workflow for your business.
Rules are validated from the bottom of the list to the top, they are not applied cumulatively. The highest priority rule whose criteria is most accurately matched on is the rule whose actions are applied.
Triggers, also called Event Types are events caused by either the system, users, or technicians. They initiate and execute the actions of the workflow when the specified conditions are met. For example, incoming email containing certain words like "outage" can be automatically turned into a ticket and assigned to a specific technician or ticket queue.
Actions can automatically create tickets and assign them to a specific technician, or send notifications any time your customers experience an outage in their network. There are a different set of conditions and actions available for each Event Type.
Combine your workflows and routing rules with Workflow Access Groups to maximize the efficiency of your ticketing processes by organizing customers into groups based on each event type.
It is important to realize how creating a Workflow Access Group affects existing ticket routing: Normal ticket routing rules are still in place after initially creating a Workflow Access Group. However, when you start to add customers to that Access Group, normal ticket routing rules for those customers are replaced by the routing rules of the Event Type tied to the Workflow Access Group.
Before configuring your workflows and routing rules, make sure technicians have the correct permissions assigned to them to create Workflows and Workflow Access Groups.
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